
This is webpage is dedicated to my wonderfull gorgous "ooo sooo" Sexy Dom! "I love you"

...from your sub......

on the beach with this ceremony on the 15th of September, 1999, My Dom I made my vowes to you, love, my heart and my soul , ...your sub, my Dom I love you. The pic of the ring for you my Dom is the symbol of my essence of the life for you for eternity. The eagle is the power of my Dom and with this, my love for you is forever.

My Dom, I hope you will keep the pic of this ring, for that is my love for sybolises "You..are the Power the flight of the Eagle in the Sky" "You are the Lion in the Sun" my DOM, "I love you"

My Dom you have given me the gift of love and much much more!

"I love you for eternity"

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